October 2024 In the Loop
This Saturday, 10/5, the Trimble Marching Band will perform at 10am at the 49th Annual Athens Invitational Marching Festival. We are the first band to perform and we would love to see some Tomcat support filling the stands!
Saturday, 10/19, we will be performing at 2:00pm at the Nelsonville-York Band competition! The event begins at 12:00pm.
Hope to see you there!
Announcement : Trimble Local students will be dismissed a 1/2 hour early on Thursday October 3, 2024.
The buses are running behind dropping elementary students off due to an accident in town. Some students are also having to ride a different bus than usual. Please allow extra time for your child to get home. If you have questions please call the school or the bus garage.
**Caleb’s Crusaders are back for another “Light The Night Walk in Columbus, Ohio on October 10,2024. We have been involved with this walk since the fall of 1998 !!!!! We, along with “AEP “ , have the longest current streak of 26 years !!!!
**Caleb was diagnosed with Leukemia on December 26,1996 and fought a tremendous and courageous battle before passing away on December 18,1997 . Please help us keep his memory alive by Donating to “ Caleb’s Crusaders “ .
**There are GREAT pictures of Caleb along with his older sisters Chloe and Carly posted on Carly Fundraising page CHECK IT OUT !!The link is Carly's 2024 Fundraising Page
**There are so many people and organizations to Thank over the years and GREATLY APPRECIATED by my family and friends. Please Donate to continue this fight to find a cure !!
**Different ways to Donate I will take Donations until October 8th(Facebook Donations can be made at any time).
**People who want to donate at Trimble Elementary and Middle School can make their donations to the Office (Loretta and Amy will help me out )
** People who want to donate at the Trimble High School can make their donations to the office( Amy will help me out ) or to Phil Campbell who works at the High School .
** You can also Donate on Facebook the link
Team Fundraising Link: https://pages.lls.org/ltn/coh/cntlohio24/calebscrusaders
My Personal Fundraising Link: https://pages.lls.org/ltn/coh/CntlOhio24/pcampbell
**** Donate to anyone on this team Phil Campbell , Chloe Campbell, Carly Campbell, or Phyllis Hupp ( my sister )
****Thank you for joining this fight !!
Phil, Mary, Chloe, Carly and Calen Campbell
The Boys and Girls Club is CANCELED for this evening due to no power. Elementary and middle school students who attend this program will be sent home on their regular buses. If you have questions, please call the school office immediately.
8th Grade Families: Pepperoni Rollers are being delivered today, Thursday, September 26th, and can be picked up at the student drop off door on the side of the school building between 2:30-4:00pm. To make other arrangements for pick up, please contact Mrs. Sharp or Mr. Rondinella.
The Mumkins and Mumsters online sale is extended through September 25th! Please help us raise funds that will be used to provide fun and exciting opportunities for our students.
If you are looking for something to do this Saturday, 9/21, come out and support your Trimble Marching Band at their first OMEA band competition of the year!
We will be performing at Bloom Carroll High School at 5pm. The first band performs at 4pm.
The band members have been working very hard, so come out and cheer them on!
Reminder: Trimble Local Schools will have a 2 hour early dismissal for all students tomorrow September 18, 2024.
We are so excited! The vision van will soon be returning to Trimble Local Schools
Elementary and Middle School screening on Oct 3, 2024
High School screening on Jan 9, 2025
Trimble Fitness Center will now be Open to the Public
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Sept. 2024 Lunch Menu
Trimble Elementary/Middle School students are once again participating in The Mumkins & Mumsters fundraiser. The sale officially begins on 9/4/24 and ends on 9/18/24. Plant delivery will be on 10/7/24 from 3 - 5 pm. Please join us is raising funds that will be used to provide opportunities and incentives for our students. Thank you!
All elementary and middle school students will be dismissed one-hour early tomorrow, Thursday, August 29th. Middle school students will dismiss at 1:25pm. Elementary school students will dismiss at 2:25pm.
Tomorrow is also individual student's picture day. Students were given picture forms and envelopes to bring home. If you have not received a form and would like to order pictures, please call the school office between 7:30am-4:00pm .
FYI: Students will be dismissed 1 Hour Early Thursday August 29, 2024
Friday Night Football Trimble Vs. Nelsonville
This is a reminder for Trimble Elementary and Middle School students and families. Tomorrow evening, Tuesday, August 13th, we will be hosting an Open House for students in preschool through eighth grade. This event will take place from 6:00-7:30pm at the Jacksonville building. All students and families are invited to visit the classrooms and meet the teachers. Middle school students will receive their class schedule and locker information. Located in the cafeteria will be information and goodies from various community partners including our school outreach program. The outreach program will be providing free book bags, binders, and other supply items to students. Finally, a hot dog dinner will be provided free of charge. We hope to see you tomorrow evening.
Sports Passes now available. Please contact the district office at 740-767-4444.
We want to welcome all students and families back for the 2024-2025 school year! Homeroom class lists for the elementary school students and the middle school students will be available to families this Friday, August 9th at 3:00pm. These lists can be found in a binder located at the door under the awning of the side parking lot.